
We’ve developed a unique approach that combines years of teaching experience and scientific research to deliver the best possible sex education you’ll find out there. 


About Our

We believe that kids have the right to information that will enable them to make the best decisions for their health and safety while they are growing up.

The science tells us that kids want information that is practical, not preachy.

They want opportunities to discuss their rapidly changing worlds. Parents want help to make difficult conversations easier. 

Have a question?Contact Us


Book a Course

8-11 Years | 12-14 Years

Ages 15 - 17

Step 1 Intake Open

Step 1 courses are designed for students who have not received any sex education. We also offer Step 2 and Step 3 courses for students who have previously received some form of sex education. For advice on the best course for your child, please use the COURSE SELECTOR.

Duration: 1 hour x 16 lessons

Thursdays, 5-6pm Japan Standard Time.
Check your timezone HERE

Course Start Date: 1st July 2021

Topics included:

* Recap on puberty changes

* Reproduction

* Fetal development and promoting healthy babies

* Responsibility in parenting

* Sexually transmitted infections & testing

* Different forms of contraception and how they work

* The media’s influence on our body image

* Online safety / cyberbullying

* Introduction to gender issues

* Sexuality and human rights

* Sexual orientation and gender expression

* Relationships and dating

* Understanding intimate relationships and when to have one

* Consent and the law

* Assertive Communication

Ages 8-11

Step 1 Intake Open

Step 1 courses are designed for students who have not received any sex education. We also offer Step 2 and Step 3 courses for students who have previously received some form of sex education. For advice on the best course for your child, please use the COURSE SELECTOR.

Duration: 1 hour x 16 lessons

Mondays, 5-6pm Japan Standard Time.
Check your timezone HERE

Course Start Date: 7th June 2021

Topics included:

* Changes during puberty and how to cope

* Reproductive systems

* How babies are made

* Responsibility in parenting

* Introduction to sexually transmitted infections

* Condoms and how they work

* Cultivating a positive body image

* Bullying

* Fairness and human rights

* Sexuality in the context of world issues

* Empathy for others

* Introduction to gender expression

* Gender stereotypes

* Assertive communication skills

* Personal safety

* Different types of relationships

* Attraction and positive ways of expressing emotions

Ages 12 - 14

Step 1 Intake Open

Step 1 courses are designed for students who have not received any sex education. We also offer Step 2 and Step 3 courses for students who have previously received some form of sex education. For advice on the best course for your child, please use the COURSE SELECTOR.

Duration: 1 hour x 16 lessons

Tuesdays, 5-6pm Japan Standard Time.
Check your timezone HERE

Course Start Date: 1st June 2021

Topics included:

* Changes during puberty and how to cope

* Reproductive systems

* How babies are made

* Fetal development and promoting healthy babies

* Responsibility in parenting

* Sexually transmitted infections and blood borne infections

* How condoms work

* Forms of birth control

* Access to sexual healthcare

* The media’s influence on body image

* Friendships and romantic relationships

* Introduction to gender expression

* Gender stereotypes

* Human rights

* Sexuality in the context of world issues

* Personal safety

* Sexual harassment

* Communication skills

* Physical and emotional attraction


Get in Touch

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Our Address

123 Demo Street New York, Ny 12345


Mobile: (555) 555-5555


Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 20:00

Sunday & Saturday: 10:30 - 22:00

Contact Us

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What the students say